Ideal Timing
The most ideal time to photograph a newborn baby is when they are between 5-10 days old. This allows enough time for the mother’s breast milk to come in, but is also early enough for the baby to still be in that curly, fresh womb-like phase. That said, we have photographed babies that have been 5 weeks old, and their sessions have gone wonderfully and their images have still been beautiful.
On the Day
Please give baby a big feed prior to travelling to our home-studio. Please also do your best not to wake baby when bringing them from the car. We have found sessions to be much more efficient if baby arrives with a full tummy and fast asleep. Don’t panic if this isn’t possible, we always allocate 3-4 hours per newborn photography session to allow time for feeding and comforting if required.

What to Bring
Pack your baby bag with your usual items: nappies, wipes, burping cloths, spare set of clothes (not used in session), a dummy/pacifier (even if you do not intend to use one permanently, the sucking sensation is very soothing for babies and can help keep them to be calm and settled while positioning them). If you are breastfeeding your milk may still be coming in so if it is possible, please bring a bottle of expressed milk or formula to help keep your baby nice and full.
What to Wear
Please dress your baby in items of clothing that are easy for me to undress. Anything with a button or zip up front, nothing that requires me to lift over their head as this can wake them up. If it is a cooler time of year, please don’t use a singlet. For this occasion, please wrap a warm blanket around them until after the session.
I keep the studio room nice and warm at all times so baby is very comfortable and happy. The warm temperature helps baby to sleep more soundly and in turn helps the posing to be done easier and more efficiently. It can get quite warm in the studio, please keep this in mind when dressing yourself. You are welcome to change into some other clothes when it is your time in front of the camera.
If you have parent poses included in your package, please try to stick to plain clothing. Nothing with logos or patterns on them as this can take the focus away from baby. Ideally I like my clients to wear white or light coloured (light pastels or light neutrals) clothing for their parent photographs. If access to my Client Closet (ladies dresses only) is included in your package, and you would like to borrow something, please bring a strapless skin coloured bra to go underneath.

Happy Baby
A full and gas/wind free baby is a happy baby. Please have a read through my breastfeeding guide and also try to feed your baby as close to the session as possible. Being so new, milk can take a long time to come in and breastfeeding can be very challenging. I will always have some newborn formula on hand if you need some but please bring your own bottles.
Happy Parents
Depending on which package you’ve purchased, your newborn session will take between 1 – 3 hours, so please bring something to eat to refuel, especially if you are breastfeeding. I will provide water, tea, or coffee however I encourage you to bring something a bit more substantial as well.

Code Brown!
Accidents happen so please do not feel embarrassed if your little one wees or poo’s. Baby will be very full, warm and relaxed, so some sort of accident is inevitable. I wash every item I use at the end of every session in a sensitive washing powder so not to irritate skin but also to ensure hygiene.
Your memories, your photos!
This is your newborn baby and I want to make sure the photoshoot reflects you as a family. If there is something that is special to you that you would like me to create, or something that symbolises either you or your partner please let me know in advance so that I can make arrangements before we get started. For example, Dad may be a Musician or Policeman, or even has a favourite sports team so a jersey or hat may be a useful and effective prop. The possibilities are endless and I am here to create a special memory for you.

Please let me know via text 0405343949 if you are running late on the day. As a mother myself, I understand that it can be tricky getting out of the house with a new family dynamic. We allow a little buffer time for each newborn session, but it is important to arrive as on time as possible especially if you have a smaller package and shorter session.
Take the opportunity to sit back and relax with a cuppa while I work. I am here to create some special memories for you so just communicate with me exactly what you want so I can help you achieve the perfect outcome.
Thank you for booking Lavender Lane Photography, we look forward to meeting your precious little one soon.